"Let the Free Market Decide" (Without consumer choice, there is no free market) Locally written commentary published in Lake County newspapers in 2011 link HERE
The GMO / GE Threat to Our Food Supply A primer for Lake County citizens
First, check out the terrific presentation by Robyn O'Brien:
Robyn O'Brien authored The Unhealthy Truth: How Our Food Is Making Us Sick and
What We Can Do About It
This 18-minute talk excellently summarizes the problem with USA food system today. If you are new to this topic, these 18 minutes will provide grounding in the basics. If you are already well versed in the topic, it is even more important to watch, as Robyn's delivery is a great teaching tool which can help us all better articulate when discussing this vitally important material to our friends, family and neighbors.
GMO's (Genetically Modified Foods) YES - you are already eating them NO - they are not safe to eat
YES - you can avoid them by eating certified organic and by following tips on our GMO-Free shopping page
NO - they are not labeled, as the biotech industry has observed that if you put a label saying "contains GMO ingredients" on something, you might as well just put a skull-and-crossbones on it.
GE's (Genetically Engineered crops) YES - Corporate Agriculture would like to contaminate every corner of America with GE crops, including Lake County (and there are people here all too willing to do whatever Corporate Ag wants)
NO - it is not too late to prevent widespread GE contamination in Lake County
Check back often as we update these pages with information about GMO's/GE crops, a critical issue that threatens the future of
Lake County's environment and agricultural heritage, as well as our
personal health.
Join the MAILING LIST and let us know how YOU would like to help!
GMO-free Dining
in Lake County (?)
Check it out on our Shop Progressive page
There are always people on any side of a discussion who believe that any means justify their end goal, including exaggeration or outright disinformation. Case in point: circulating emails suggesting that sparks from a Smart Meter caused the San Bruno gas line explosion. Spreading such un-truth is wrong for many reasons, not the least of which is, it always comes back to bite you. As citizens of a democracy, it is incumbent upon us to do our due diligence (homework), reach rational conclusions based on facts, and then take action towards making this the best possible world, for ourselves and for future generations. The following websites provide a wealth of reliable, scientifically sound information about GMO's/GE's. Please, educate yourself, and help spread the word!