Well, our face is red! We were so excited, based on advance promo's of the Green Polka Dot Box, that we were endorsing it before we did our homework.
Now that they have items listed with prices on their website, one can compare their price to what the same items cost elsewhere. And, sadly, the Green Polka Dot Box prices are much higher than anticipated. They are charging more than those goods can be purchased at stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. This does not jive with the Green Polka Dot Box's claim to offer organic goods at 35-60% less. We can't find anyone charging more than Green Polka Dot Box for those goods.
So, we cannot endorse Green Polka Dot Box at this time. We will continue to hope that Green Polka Dot Box follows through on its promises and offers organic, non-GMO goods at REAL bargain prices. Until then, in the immortal words of Sam Goldwyn, "include us out."
Shopping local
keeps dollars in the community, provides local jobs (both in the
businesses themselves and in related services which local business
owners contract with), and provides local tax revenue which in turn
supports our area's infrastructure.
Shopping locally-OWNED
businesses prevents exportation of profits, taxes and jobs to giant
multinational corporations that don't need our money (as they are making
more than enough profit by exploiting everyone else in the world).
| By supporting local progressive businesses, your shopping dollars help protect and preserve a better future for all of Lake County, including our environment. This
page identifies where you can to buy locally grown organic or
GMO-free food, as well as recommended stores, business and
contractors. We've included both Lake and Mendocino counties, and we
are not averse to including other adjacent areas, if the businesses are
making a contribution to the betterment of the planet for future
Because that is what it is all about!
NOTE: The below lists are just the beginning. Eventually we anticipate identifying many dozens in each category. We just started building the list so please be patient. NONE of the business listed below paid for or solicited to be on this page! All were recommended by patrons who appreciate the positive influence these businesses represent. Feel free to send suggestions! email: info@ruralvalues.org
Categories so far: Food/drink/lodging, Services, Wine & Other Stuff
GMO-free local Grocery Shopping click HERE
GMO-free Dining
So far, the only guaranteed-to-be GMO-free restaurant in our area is the Ukiah Brewing Company. We love the Brewing Co, but Ukiah is a long drive from Lake County (if you're going just for dinner).
However, several Lake County restaurants are already using mostly GMO-free products such as organic produce and grass-fed beef. Quite likely, they could be "GMO-free" with comparatively little effort, primarily if they switched sources of oils such as corn, soy or canola. If you know a local restaurant that already serves good healthy food, please, talk to the manager or owner about what might be a pretty easy transition to totally GMO-free dining.
Restaurant Owners/Managers: We have local experts who will be happy to assist you to locate suppliers of GMO-free ingredients to replace things you may be buying now that contain (or may contain) GMO's. Contact: no-gmo@ruralvalues.org
Restaurants & Lodging
| The Corkmans Clipper Irish Pub (used to be in Clearlake, moving to Hidden Valley summer 2011, date of grand opening TBA)
Lakeport English Inn (Lakeport)
http://www.lakeportenglishinn.com/ Karan and Hugh Mackey, Innkeepers, 675 N. Main Street Lakeport, CA 95453 (707) 263-4317 email lakeportenglishinn@mchsi.com English Bed and Breakfast. Think scones, Devonshire cream, darts, red phone booths, English roses and a nip in the pub. It is bursting with elegance, tradition and great fun.
OCO Time (Ukiah) Best sushi EVER!
California Japanese Cuisine http://www.ocotime.com/ (the BEST sushi ever! seriously! but try the Oco, too, its fabulous) 111 West Church Street, Ukiah CA 95482. 707-462-2422 Restaurant hours LUNCH Mon-Fri 11:30am - 2:15pm, DINNER Mon - Thur 5:30pm - 8:30pm, weekend DINNER Fri & Saturday 5:30pm - 9pm CLOSED SUNDAYS e-mail : peacecafecompany@gmail.com
Oco sushi to go! It's Time - Sushi Express 11am - 6:30pm Monday-Friday, 107 West Church Street, Ukiah 95482 707-462-2714
Park Place Restaurant (Lakeport)
(that great place right on the waterfront near Library Park in Lakeport) 50 3rd Street, Lakeport, CA 95453-4820 (707) 263-0444
The Saw Shop Bistro and Bar (Kelseyville)
http://www.sawshopbistro.com/ 3825 Main Street, Kelseyville CA 95451, 707-278-0129 Tuesday – Saturday open at 3pm (reservations recommended)
Ukiah Brewing Company (Ukiah) CLOSED - so sad!
http://www.ukiahbrewingco.com/ The first entirely organic & GMO-free restaurant we know of! Not to mention fantastically delicious food! And the beer is FABULOUS! (yeah, we love this place) (707) 468-5898, 102 S State Street, Ukiah, CA 95482
Wine & Other Stuff
| Mulligan Books (Ukiah) Gently Used Books, Discounted New Books (accepts MendoMoola ) mulliganbooks@pacific.net 208 S. State Street, Ukiah CA 95482 707-462-1555
Watershed Books (Lakeport) http://www.watershedbookco.com/ 305 North Main Street, Lakeport CA 95453 (707) 263-5787
Wild About Books (Clearlake) http://www.wildaboutbooks.net/ 14290 Olympic Drive, Suite A, Clearlake, CA 95422 707-994-WILD (9453) Lori@wildaboutbooks.net Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm
Frey Vineyards America’s First Organic Winery http://www.freywine.com/ 14000 Tomki Rd, Redwood Valley, CA 95470, By appointment, email info@freywine.com. 707.485.5177 or 800.760.3739, 9AM to 5PM business days.
Ceago Biodynamic Winery http://www.ceago.com/ 5115 East Highway 20, Nice, CA 95464 Phone: (707) 274-1462 Fax: (707) 274-9736 Email: ceago@ceago.com
Ceago is no longer open to public 
We welcome recommendations!
To recommend a progressive-owned business, email info@ruralvalues.org