The following "berniecrats" won seats in the US House of Representatives on November 6, 2018. They were vetted and endorsed by the progressive organizations listed in right-hand columns.
BNC = Brand New Congress
DSA = Democratic Socialists of America, National
JD = Justice Democrats
OR = Our Revolution, National
P3C = Progressive Change Campaign Committee
WFP = Working Families Party
Our Revolution, Lake County Chapter |
While the mainstream media continues to disrespect, ignore or attack Bernie, his revolution continues as hundreds of citizen-activists responded to 2016 by jumping into the fray.
They were grotesquely outspent by the Establishment -- from 10-to-1 up to 100-to-1 or sometimes even more. And yet, 190 prevailed and WON their primaries against Establishment candidates with much more money, much greater name recognition, and the full backing of the party Establishment.
190 Citizen Warriors -- real people fighting for real change. Unbought and Unbossed by the Establishment and the Corporate Oligarchy.
DON'T LET THEM DOWN. Vote in November! Tell everyone you know to VOTE in November. Look at the list sorted by states and alert your friends/relatives of opportunities to vote for true progressives.
PS -- the ones who did not win this year? Most of them will be back. Look for them in 2020, campaigning with more experience and more name recognition.
Lists compiled as of 2018 September 15, using endorsement data found on internet from Brand New Congress, Justice Democrats, Democratic Sociaists of America, Our Revolution, and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (P3C).
- Candidates endorsed by DSA National have DSA-N in that column. Others were either endorsed by local chapters or are members of DSA.
- This list was compiled very quickly using information available at a glance.
- Apologies for the binary columns devoted to gender and race, we hope to provide better details in time.
- N-W is non-white, information provided solely to illustrate diversity.
We welcome corrections and additional information. Please CONTACT us with feedback!
50 won at Federal Level!
(US Congress or US Senate)
| 100 won State races!
| 40 won County or City races!
Below left: 190 candidates sorted alphabetically by candidate name.
Below right: 190 sorted by State.
Please note that above list(s) contain information from National group endorsements only.
- Many other Berniecrats ran for office without official endorsement from any of the National groups -- and won. They are true to Bernie's platform and true to running grassroots campaigns, and they do not accept corporate money.
- The below list comes from another source who has been keeping a running tally. We have already identified some errors in the list, which includes names of people who did not actually win their primaries. Before adding any of the below names to our official tally, we will look up each candidate to verify they won their primary and that they quality as a progressive Berniecrat.
Nonetheless... it is an impressive list. According to the compiler of the below list, there have been over 600 primary victories this year.
Bernie at People's Summit June 2017 |
June 15, 2017 at 6:30pm at Kelseyville Senior Center
SPECIAL GUEST - Gayle McLaughlin
We're very excited to have former Richmond Mayor and current candidate for Lt. Governor of California, Gayle McLaughlin, come to our next Lake County Progressives meeting!
See press release below for more about Gayle. I met her in Sacramento two weeks ago, at our Berniecrat Dinner. She's a dynamo!
RE: Candidate for CA Lt. Governor Gayle McLaughlin will Address Lake County Progressives on June 15
Our Revolution Lake County/Progressive Democrats of America hold their joint monthly meeting on Thursday, June 15 at 6:30pm at the Kelseyville Senior Center in Kelseyville.
The progressive group meets third Thursdays each month. Meetings are free and open to the public. Progressives of all parties (or no party) are welcome to attend. 
This month's special guest is Gayle McLaughlin, former mayor of Richmond, CA and currently a candidate for Lt. Governor of California.
McLaughlin, called the "Bernie Sanders of the East Bay," pledges to not accept corporate donations and to represent the interests of working people. "Corporate money is both toxic and addictive. Our democracy needs to get clean and sober," says McLaughlin.
McLaughlin was a Green Party member who was twice elected Mayor of Richmond, California. She is a founder of the Richmond Progressive Alliance and was elected to City Council before running for Mayor against an incumbant establishment-democrat and a Chevron-controlled city council. After being termed-out as Mayor, she ran for City Council again with the progressive slate "Team Richmond" which defeated a $3 million opposition campaign funded by Chevron.
In 2016 the Richmond Progressive Alliance won two additional seats on the City Council for a supermajority of five corporate-free progressives out of seven councilmembers.
On June 15 she will share her story and lessons-learned with the Lake County progressive group, and answer questions about how progressive actions have transformed the city of Richmond under her leadership.
Kelseyville Senior Center is located at 5245 3rd St, Kelseyville, CA 95451. Meeting begins at 6:30pm.