Not so long ago, food was grown by farmers, and flowers were grown by gardeners. Today, fifty-three percent of U.S. backyard gardeners are growing vegetables. They are front-runners in the Food Revolution.
Today, industrial food production is rampant with unsanitary conditions, deadly disease outbreaks, toxic poisoning of land, rivers, lakes, sea and air, inhumane meat-production concentration camps which not only torture animals but also spread more disease to humans, reckless and failed scientific experiments that threaten the biodiversity and genetic integrity of all life, and financial & political larceny.
The days of small family farmers have all but disappeared and in their place is Factory Farming, dominated by a tiny handful of giant multi-national corporations that owe allegiance to no one, certainly not to you or me, not to the United States of America, and not to anyone else on the planet.
To the giant multi-nationals, we are debt-slaves to be abused with impunity, now that government of/by the people has been brought to heel, reduced in power, and de-regulation is the religion of the day.
"BOP" is the term used by the multinationals -- "Bottom of the Pyramid."
It refers to the poorest but largest percentage of any nation, including our own (the poor did not used to be our largest percentage, but the corporations only need a few more years to finish gutting the middle class). The endlessly greedy giant corporate conglomerates have turned their eyes to the Third World and to our own BOP, too -- the largest and least-educated percentage of population that is always ripe for picking. The latest gimmick used to channel more money into the corporate coffers is Genetically Engineered (GE) crops, also known as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's).
Never mind that:
- GMO's are the product of a scientific theory that has been proven to have failed its original premise.
- GMO's were released on the world with NO independent testing.
- GMO's require MORE pesticides and herbicides, not less.
- GMO's
are destroying world biodiversity and replacing tens of thousands of
hardy, locally bred seeds with one-size-fits-all corporate seeds, each
genetically imprinted with a marker that allows the manufacturer to
track down and prosecute any farmer who has not paid the outrageously
increased costs.
- GMO's threaten to contaminate and destroy organic farming.
- Multiple diseases have since been proven to be linked to GMO consumption.
- Chronic illness and allergic reactions have doubled in the United States since GMO's were introduced into our food supply.
- Never mind the costs to the environment, to the people, to the planet.
GMO's funnel more profit into the corporate coffer, and nothing else matters to the soulless unethical Corporate Behemoths. Period.
Today, both in protest of the poisoning of our food supply and out of concern for protecting their own health and the health of their loved ones, more and more people are joining the
Fifty-Three Percent of U.S. Backyard Gardeners Growing Vegetables
A nationwide survey indicates that spending for vegetables and fruits
grown in household gardens now surpasses spending for lawns, trees,
shrubs - and even flowers. The same survey unearthed the following
trends among gardeners:
53% grow vegetables in their gardens
90% plan to eat the produce fresh
66% will share with friends
36% will can or preserve produce
4 % will donate food to others
Another survey, this one by the National Gardening Association, looked at the main reasons people grow food in their gardens:
58 % desire better tasting food
54 % want to save money on food bills
51 % want better quality food
48 % want to grow food they know is safe
The time to start learning to grow food is NOW. First, because there is a learning curve, so the sooner you start, the sooner you will start to get good at it. Second, because every vegetable you stop buying from the Industrial Food Machine is a blow against the Corporations.
What are you waiting for? It's SPRING!
Yes, in today's world, growing your own food IS a revolutionary act.
Can we make a difference? YES!
If we were not already
making a difference, Industrial Food Inc. would not be striking back so
ferociously against organic and sustainable farming advocates.
Read more "Author Michael Pollan explains the war on food movement" HERE
10 Things Monsanto Does Not Want You to Know - Link to List |
Monsanto Nation: Exposing Monsanto's Minions - by Ronnie Cummings, Organic Consumers Association |
Link to Green Buying Guide (find local resources) |
above gardening statistics are from Organic Consumers Association quoting "Calling All Gardeners," by Jennifer Nelson, M.S., R.D. and Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., March 23, 2011,
| Please, only buy Heirloom Seeds. Our consumer dollars need to support the continuation of natural seed lines (seeds that can be saved and planted for generations to come).
Highly recommended: Seeds of Change HERE Baker Creek Seeds HERE (now has a store in Petaluma)
MAM on Facebook - join the CA District 1 group, help organize & raise awareness in Lake County |