Occupy Clearlake on November 12 |
Occupy Lake County continues to Grow
by Dan Brown
Lake County citizens continue to show enthusiastic support for the Occupy Wall Street movement.
The latest support event was on Saturday, November 12, at Clearlake's
Austin Park.
Contrary to the mainstream media's attempt to
everyone in the OWS movement as unemployed deadbeats, most OWS
supporters across the nation work hard, earn honest livings, and pay
more taxes
than PG&E or hundreds of other giant wealthy corporations. Lake
County's OWS supporters are like most hard-working Americans, which is
why Occupy Lake County usually holds its events on weekends.
Rainclouds evaporated and the day was warm, sunny and beautiful by the
shores of Clear Lake. Most drivers honked and gave "thumbs up" as they
drove by, but there were a few who chose the middle finger instead. All
expressions of free speech! One or two drivers shouted "Go get a job!"
which inspired chuckles among tax-paying nine-to-fivers who were
volunteering precious free time on a Saturday to actively demonstrate on
behalf of liberty and justice for all.