November 19, 2011 Upper Lake |
Nov 19 in Upper Lake was energizing!
Although only a total of 8-10 people braved the cold weather over the
course of the afternoon, 3 of those were newbies (first Occupy event).
Highway 20 is an artery joining I-5 to the 101, so much of the traffic
is "passing through" and consequently there is enormous visibility at
that location. At least 9 out of 10 vehicles honked, waved and gave
thumbs up!
For sure, truckers GET IT. The big rigs are really enthusiastic and it is great fun to cheer as they sound the big horns.
- People stopped to ask us questions.
- People
stopped to take our picture! At least 3-4
people NOT associated with our event stopped to get out cameras and
record it.
- People stopped to ask us when and where the next event will be held.
videos from UC Davis, Berkeley, Oakland and NYC confirm that America is
dangerously on the edge of police state-status. As Glenn Greenwald
pointed out in a recent column, the most effective way to destroy
freedom of speech is to make citizens feel afraid to speak up. If the
people are too afraid to raise their voices, then you have effectively
ended democracy. That's what the police crack-downs have been all about.
Now, more than ever, we need to stand up for freedom of speech and the right to assemble.
And, we here in Lake County ARE making a difference. People find it energizing to DO something. Not
to just talk about something, or attend a meeting, or send an email, or
sign a petition. Getting out there and interacting with the WORLD
driving by is a whole different level of involvement.
These Occupy events are important for raising
awareness, for putting a local human face on OWS, and for educating
people. Read "The Problem For The GOP Is That No Amount Of Money Or Smears Can Stop OWS" for inspiration! (link here)
Wall Street is afraid of OWS. It is important to keep the pressure on!
And please help spread the word!