Progressive Cowgirl's Blog -- 10/15/2016
How Clintonism Screwed the Democratic Party (and how Bill and Hillary gutted Progressivism itself)
click to read the Salon article:
Civilizations don’t fall because their citizens are evil. They fall when their citizens are easily manipulated. Germany did not succumb to the Nazis because most Germans were evil, but because too many Germans failed to stand up to the evil.
It is a story as old as civilization, and it continues today.
All it takes to make Democrats support a warmongering self-serving neoliberal lying sociopathic criminal corrupt Wall Street Corporate Oligarchy shill is to point to an orange clown and shout "Be afraid!"
The bad news is, nothing can stop either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump from becoming our next president.
The one good news from Hillary’s growing lead is that now progressives living in safe Blue states can safely vote Third Party.
If we can give the Greens 5% at the polls in November, it will dramatically enhance that party’s ability to field great candidates in the future. We can start to break the Catch 22, wherein great candidates like Bernie don't run third party because third parties don't get the votes.
Something has to come first. If third parties win a substantial percentage in November, that will attract better third party candidates in 2020.
This may be your ONLY chance to cast a vote which could accomplish something good.
To survive, our democracy needs MORE voices and MORE choices. Voting third party is our only way to register opposition to the Democratic/Republican Corporate Uniparty's control.